Erskine May Abbreviations
5 November 2021
Abbreviation | Description |
2RC | Second Reading Committee |
AC | Law Reports, Appeal Cases |
ACTR | Australian Capital territory reports |
AIR | All India Reports |
All ER | All England Law Reports, 1942–date |
ALJR | Australian Law Journal Reports |
ALR | Australian Law Reports |
App | Appendix |
App Cas | Law Reports, Appeal Cases, 1975–1890 |
arts | articles |
B | Bidder’s Locus Standi Reports, 1920–1936 |
C | Paper presented to Parliament by Royal Command, 1870–1900 |
Cav Deb | Sir Henry Cavendish’s Debates of the House of Commons, 2 volumes, 1768–1771 (1841–42) |
CFSP | Common Foreign and Security Policy |
Ch App | Law Reports, Chancery Appeals, 1865–1875 |
CJ | Journals of the House of Commons |
cl | clause |
CLR | Commonwealth Law Reports |
Cm | Paper presented to the House of Commons by Royal Command, 1986–date |
Cmd | Paper presented to the House of Commons by Royal Command, 1919–1956 |
Cmnd | Paper presented to the House of Commons by Royal Command, 1956–1986 |
Co | Committee |
Colchester | Charles Abbot, Lord Colchester, Diary and Correspondence, 3 volumes (1861) |
Con LR | Construction Law Reports |
CPA | Commonwealth Parliamentary Association |
C & R | Clifford and Rickards’ Locus Standi Reports, 1873–1884 |
CRR | Canadian Rights Reporter |
C & S | Clifford and Stephens’ Locus Standi Reports, 1867–1872 |
CSCE | Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe |
Denison | J E Denison, Notes from my Journal when Speaker (1900) |
d’Ewes | Sir Symonds D’Ewes, Journal of all the Parliaments during the reign of Queen Elizabeth (1682) (facsimile reprint 1973) |
DLC | Delegated Legislation Committee |
DLR | Dominion law Reports [Canada], series 1–4, 1912–date |
Dow & Ry (KB) | Dowling and Ryland’s Reports, King’s Bench, 1822–1827 |
Ecc LJ | Ecclesiastical Law Journal |
ECHR | European Court of Human Rights |
EHRR | European Human Rights Reports |
EM | Explanatory Memorandum |
EN | Explanatory Notes |
ER | English Reports of all decisions previous to 1866, 178 volumes (1900–1930) |
Euro Co | European Committee |
EVEL | ‘English Votes for English Laws’ |
EWCA | Court of Appeal judgement (England and Wales) |
EWHC | High Court judgment (England and Wales) |
ex p | Ex parte |
F | Federal Reporter |
FCA | Federal Court of Australia |
FCO | Foreign and Commonwealth Office |
F (HL) | Fraser’s Court of Session cases, Fifth Series |
Grey Deb | Ed Anchitell Grey, Debates of the House of Commons, 10 volumes, 1667–1684 (1789) |
Hatsell | John Hatsell, Precedents of Proceedings in the House of Commons, 4 volumes (1818) |
HC | House of Commons paper |
HC(A)A 1978 | House of Commons (Administration) Act 1978 |
HC Deb | Parliamentary Debates (Official Report of the House of Commons) (Hansard) (1909–date) |
HL | House of Lords paper |
HL Deb | Parliamentary Debates (Official Report of the House of Lords) (Hansard) (1909–date) |
IPSA | Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority |
IPU | Inter-Parliamentary Union |
Ir Eq | Irish Reports, Equity, Fourth Series, 1866–1877 |
IRLR | Industrial Relations Law Reports |
JP | Justice of the Peace |
KB | Law Reports, King’s Bench |
LCO | Legislative Competence Order |
LJ | Journals of the House of Lords |
LJ (CH) | Law Journal, Chancery, 1822–1946 |
LRCP | Law Reports, Common Pleas, 1865–1875 |
LR Eq | Law Reports, Equity, 1865–1875 |
LR HL | Law Reports, English and Irish Appeals, 1866–1875 |
LSR | Locus Standi Reports, 1936–1960, 1960–1983, 1983–1991 and 1991–2006 |
LT | Law Times Reports, 1859–1947 |
LT (OS) | Law Times Reports, Old Series |
Mass | Massachusetts Reports |
Morison | WM Morison, Decisions of the Court of Session, 1526–1808, 22 volumes (1811) |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organisation |
NPO | National Parliament Office |
NSWLR | New South Wales Law Reports, 1971–date |
NSWSC | New South Wales Supreme Court |
NZAR | New Zealand Administrative Reports |
OR | Ontario Reports |
OSCE | Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe |
Parl Deb | Parliamentary Debates, 1803–1908 |
Parl Hist | Parliamentary History of England to 1803 |
Pat App HL (SC) | Paton’s House of Lords Appeals, 1726–1784 |
PBC Deb | Public Bill Committee debates |
PC | Privy Council |
PCPF | Parliamentary Contributory Pension Fund |
PL | Public Law |
QB | Law Reports, Queen’s Bench Division, 1891–1900, 1952–date |
QBD | Law Reports, Queen’s Bench Division, 1875–1890 |
QSC | Queensland Supreme Court Reports |
r | rule |
R & M | Rickards and Michael’s Locus Standi reports, 1885–1889 |
Rot Parl | Ed J Strachey and J Pridden, Rotuli Parliamentorum, 1278–1503, 6 volumes (1832) |
R & S | Rickards and Saunders’ Locus Standi Reports, 1890–1894 |
s | section |
SA | South African Law Reports |
S & A | Saunders and Austin’s Locus Standi Reports, 1895–1904 |
SASR | South Australian State Reports, 1865–date |
S & B | Saunders and Bibber’s Locus Standi reports, 1905–1919 |
SC | Session Cases |
sch | Schedule |
SCR | Canadian Law Reports (Supreme Court), 1949–date |
Sc Stg Co | Scottish Standing Committee |
SEM | Supplementary Explanatory Memorandum |
SI | Statutory Instrument |
SLT | Scots Law Times, 1893–date |
Standing Order | Standing Order (private business) |
SO No | Standing Order (public business) |
SOCPA | Serious Crime and Police Act 2005 |
SR (NSW) | State Reports, New South Wales, 1901–1970 |
STC | Simon’s Tax Cases, 1973–date |
St Co | Standing Committee |
St Co Deb | Standing Committee Debates |
State Tr | Ed TB and TJ Howell, A Complete Collection of State Trials (1163–1820), 33 volumes (1809–20); and new series (NS) ed J Macdonell (1820–1858), 8 volumes (1888–1898) |
TEU | Treaty on European Union |
TLR | Times Law Reports, 1884–date |
TNA | The National Archives |
UKHL | House of Lords judgment |
UKPC | United Kingdom Privy Council decision |
UKSC | United Kingdom Supreme Court judgment |
US | United States Supreme Court Reports |
VR | Victorian Reports |
VSCA | Victoria Court of Appeal |
WH | Westminster Hall |
WLR | Weekly Law Reports |
WS | Written Ministerial Statements |