Jargon busters
CPR Defendant Or Offender
The first Data Element within the Criminal Prosecution Reference (CPR) to identify the instance of a person or organisation as a Defendant or Offender in a case.
Criminal Records Office Number (CRO)
To identify a particular person by their Criminal Records Office Number. The unique number is assigned by the National Identification Service(NIS) or from late 1998 by National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) to identify the subject.
Ethnicity Observed 6 Plus 1 Code
The seven values (6+1) are used in various Police applications to describe a person’s ethnic appearance to a third party.
Ethnicity Self Defined Code
The code is used to indicate the source of the definition. Self-defined or observed. The ONS 16+1 ETHNICITY code is used in the census.
Features Of Harm Behaviour
Nature of harmful behaviour. (Please note this data is only held by the Youth Justice Board for under 18’s)
HMCTS MIS Offence Classification
A category of offences as used in HMCTS MIS applications particularly Libra at first but may also have been used by other DCA applications.
Legal Aid Status
A code to describe the current status of an application for representation under legal aid.