Jargon busters
Person Remand Status
This specifies the remand/bail status of a person in the role of a defendant/offender resulting from a court hearing.
Plea Status Code
The latest plea made by the defendant up to the end of the hearing being resulted in codified form.
Police National Computer Id (PNC Id)
To identify a particular person by the number allocated by police when creating a record on the PNC.
Pre-Trial Issues Unique Reference Number (PTI_URN)
Identifies the Pre-Trial Issues Unique Reference Number (currently created by police systems).
Pre-Trial Issues Unique Reference Number (PTI_URN) Suffix
Identifies cases that have been split or merged by adding a suffix to the PTI_URN. Where it is a merge, the suffix will be added to the lead case URN only.
Recordable on PNC Indicator
To indicate that an Offence is required to be recorded on PNC. This includes all offences for which the offender may be imprisoned and any offences that are “recordable” by legislation.
Role Type Code
The CJSE code associated with the type of role that an organisation or person may play within the criminal justice system
Sexual Orientation
An individual’s orientation towards persons of the same sex (gay/lesbians), the opposite sex (e.g. heterosexual men and women), or both sexes (this covers bisexual men and women).